Good Brand Development and Visual Identity Guidelines communicate the value of the brand in a simple, meaningful and memorable way.
Our visual identity guidelines use two main elements – Rain and 8.
Rain reflects the value of saturating the target. Any tree, shrub or stretch of earth within the range of a good rain cannot avoid its effects. This should be the goal of any well thought-out MarCom plan, thus we included the word “Rain” in our visual identity guidelines.

Being based in Shanghai has furnished us sensitivity to the secondary meaning of Chinese words. The Chinese word for 8, “ba” also connotes “good fortune”. Good fortune likewise is the aim of successful marketing programs thus the “8” in our visual identity guidelines.
The purpose of MarCom efforts is always to saturate your targets with valuable information, bring customers to your website, to drive conversions and bring you the best ROI available! Having strong visual identity guidelines is a key component of any well-designed program and contributes to your Brand Value.