Author Archives: Tracy Crawford
The Prestige of Face Value
It is not uncommon to “borrow another’s face” or take advantage of knowing someone in order to connect with someone else.
Chinese Culture: On the Ground
In this part of the series we’ll discuss practical application and working with the strengths and within the limitations of Confucian culture.
Managing Staff in China: Becoming Aware
Relative to managing internal staff, managers must first be aware of some of the behaviors to expect and their causes.
Brainstorming, Innovation, Problem-Solving and Team Meetings in China
Accessing the best ideas in China, as may be imagined, is particularly challenging for many of the reasons previously mentioned in this series.
So Who Adapts?
Please keep this point in mind: Asking a Westerner to behave in a more Confucian manner requires that the Westerner, for example, develop a bit more decorum and restraint.
Client Interactions in China
Delayed decision-making by clients can be (but certainly is not always) an important signal that something may be amiss.
Selling Up in China
Xiào also significantly limits the ability of most junior staff to interact effectively with more senior staff employed by clients.
Building Guanxi
As mentioned in a previous post, building guanxi should be a regular activity for any executive in China.
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